Diarium Arcana of Seamus Orso Rasmodius

The Sage, the Last Wizard of Bushwick

"Never does prosper the ambition of the serpent, that is until they shed reptilian nature."
- Oblividon, the Confounding (b. 1085, d. 1345), Archmage of Constantinople (1185 - 1345)

Click to attune to the solar system


These tenents have kept me healthy and safe so I choose not to question them.

  1. Listen
  2. Never Curse
  3. Help the animals
  4. Don't fall in love
  5. Wash your hands

Plans for this website


Youtuber You've Got Kat made this video about the indie web and it inspired me to learn HTML and make a website of my own! Here is Kat's website.

Thank you neocities.org for existing, this is the way the internet should be :)