Diarium Arcana of Seamus Orso Rasmodius
The Sage, the Last Wizard of Bushwick
"Never does prosper the ambition of the serpent, that is until they shed reptilian nature."
- Oblividon, the Confounding (b. 1085, d. 1345), Archmage of Constantinople (1185 - 1345)
Click to attune to the solar system
These tenents have kept me healthy and safe so I choose not to question them.
- Listen
- Never Curse
- Help the animals
- Don't fall in love
- Wash your hands
Plans for this website
- Document my adventures across the metropolitan lands of New York City through blogs or maybe, eventually through visual novels
- Recall lost memories (everything before January 2023 has become hazy)
- Discuss the culture of magical entities (and often their relation to non-magical entities)
- Review food, candy especially
- Collect and display great web content, art especially
- Continue learning HTML code
- Build community, make friends, and mend broken relations
Youtuber You've Got Kat made this video about the indie web and it inspired me to learn HTML and make a website of my own! Here is Kat's website.
Thank you neocities.org for existing, this is the way the internet should be :)